DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — More than a dozen military veterans have been given a 30-day notice to leave a transitional housing facility in Des Moines.

Station KCCI reports that a Department of Veterans Affairs official dropped off the notice at the 180 Degrees facility last week, but VA officials have declined to discuss the issue.

The VA subsidizes 180 Degrees for each client and says there’s a dispute between 180 Degrees and the owner of the home, Makar Limited Partnership. Makar said in an email to 180 Degrees that expenses outlined by the rental agreement were not paid by 180, thus breaching the agreement.

Gerald Murphy is managing partner of Makar Limited Partnership, and he declined to answer specific questions regarding the dispute between Makar and 180 Degrees.

Navy veteran Kurt Gabrielson lives at the home and says he has a post-traumatic stress disorder and problems with alcohol. He says that being forced out is “overwhelming.”

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